For students who are interested in experiencing the typical American lifestyle while studying abroad in the U.S. can apply for our Homestay Program. IEDA will match the student with an American family regarding to personal interests and habits. The student will receive a private bedroom, meals, and school related transportation from the family. Homestay is a great opportunity for students who wish to immerse in an English speaking environment, exchange different culture, and learn to be independent.
During student's homestay experience, IEDA will be available 24/7 for the student, responsible for student's safety, health issues, and any emergency occurrences. Student's legal parents will also receive a monthly summary report recording the student's school grades and life spent with their American family. In addition, IEDA also provides services include airport pickup, academics related counseling, and guardianship for the students. IEDA will hosts sports and festival activities during the holiday seasons to encourage students interaction. Applicant RequirementsStudents interested in joining the Homestay Program through IEDA are expected to fulfill the minimum qualifications listed below:
How to ApplyTo apply for our Homestay Program, please start will filling out the online pre-application form. Please click here. |
* IEDA and its partners provide English assistance to prepare the student for their abroad experience, if needed.